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Financial Statement Audit update


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I high jacked a thread last week (apologies to NECPA) with ranting about a client that was requesting financial statements when the previous one was not paid.  Time does fly when we are having fun!  The unpaid audited financials was for the 2012 year that did not get billed until 2014.  Well the client had his meeting with the State on Monday and I received this via email today:


Good Afternoon Ron,


we just finished our state inspection, apparently our financials aren't good enough for them we need an audit for 2013 by june first and another

one for 2014 by the end of 2015. can you please let me know what I owe you for the last one that I have an outstanding bill on and I will pay that

off in the next 2 months and we can get started then on the 2013?



Huh - imagine that!

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Ain't life a beach, great time to send this client packing, unless you don't mind getting paid a couple of years later. :spaz:


Actually, this client pays me very well (with the exception of this special project, which obviously will be paid).  And he is bringing on another business that will pay me equally as well.  So between the two of them I should net about $20,000 per year in fees and they are relatively low stress.  I would gladly take 20 more just like them.

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