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NT / Today Was That Day


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There is always one day every year when I know that I am officially blown away, and there will be no let up till mid March.  Today was that day.  I have accomplished zero work today, but I have talked and laughed and caught up with the greatest folks on earth.  Can't believe they all came today.  Best.  Day.  Ever. 


Started with the widow who just received 8k life insurance proceeds from her husband who died seven years ago.  She had no idea he even had a policy.  She's getting out of her little apartment and buying a little house.  Good stuff.

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How cool is that?  I wish her well!


We go through three or four days like that every season.  You would think it was "old home week"  around here.  Most of the time I quietly slip away and get back to work while the clients entertain each other.  Since my office building is of the open office concept, I can still hear everything that is going on.  Kinda warms your heart, doesn't it?


We pre-schedule all of our drop offs and they are scheduled from January 27th to March 23rd at the rate of 10 to 12 per day.  So I kinda avoid that blown away eureka moment.  I just stay overwhelmed all of the time. :)

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That is great news!


And it only got better, it sounds like.


Did your client check the unclaimed funds accounts at the state and find that insurance policy?  I recommend it to many of my clients to check, because of things like that.  I have recovered over $30k for my clients.



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Did your client check the unclaimed funds accounts at the state and find that insurance policy?  I recommend it to many of my clients to check, because of things like that.  I have recovered over $30k for my clients.




No, but she will.  Thank you, kind sir.

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