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NT / I Like The New Input Tab For 8283


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I like the new input tab for Form 8283.  Don't ask me why it's been a long day lay off.


Just kidding.  Hugs.  :P

Hugs Back......but it really has been a long day. The thunder rolls, the phone rings non-stop and tax season is truly here. This is no time to be calling and asking me for copies of 2012 and 2013.; at any price. I didn't leave my husband for a woman like this client did and now needs copies of her returns to buy a house.

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Yes - hugs back at ya!  Our phones were extremely busy too.  We are wrapping up payroll reports and 1099s.  I think we have a corner on all of those at this point.  There are still some 1099s that need to be completed but those should wrap by Friday - well maybe Monday.  And then it is on to bigger and better things.  The returns are rolling in the door.


My prize call today was from a name I did not recognize and I got on the phone to find it was an attorney for one of my clients and they (the three clients (Mom, Dad and Son)) and the attorney were on speaker phone.  "We (Mom and Dad) are transferring the bar to our Son.  What is the best way to do that? Stock or asset?"  Really?  A heads up to this call would have been nice.  But I REALLY like these folks so I will not be too hard on them.  We talked it out and got a plan put together.


Oh - and then there is the very in depth audit I have going on.  It is a Schedule C and Schedule F and one of those random we are going to audit every line on the return audits.  The auditor expanded the audit to each year on either side of the original because the client was not forthcoming with info.  He is now - he has been coming into my office unannounced on almost a daily basis with a new bag of info.  That was another half hour today.


New input tab for Form 8283?  I will have to check that out before the day is over.   Aawww hhhhaaaa hhhhaaa hhhaaaaa!!!!!!!

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My prize call today was from a name I did not recognize and I got on the phone to find it was an attorney for one of my clients and they (the three clients (Mom, Dad and Son)) and the attorney were on speaker phone.  "We (Mom and Dad) are transferring the bar to our Son.  What is the best way to do that? Stock or asset?"  Really?  A heads up to this call would have been nice.  But I REALLY like these folks so I will not be too hard on them.  We talked it out and got a plan put together.




There is nothing worse than a surprise speaker phone encounter.  (Y'all know I'm not the person you want to put on speaker phone, right?)  Ron, you are too good for this world. 

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