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A Little Success


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I had previously written about a personal tax issue that I an having with foreign banks.

To all those who were able to empathize....my sincere thanks.

To the few who were "holier than thou"......I guess you think throwing your husband to the dogs is OK.

Anyway, one of the banks made contact with our attorney and will ultimately cooperate. DH had to produce his passport from 1977. Good thing he never throws anything out...including the little piece of paper I wrote my phone number on in 1984.

So...I don't have to worry about how to avoid Part III in Schedule B....or even do MFS.

I don't care about ever seeing a penny. I just want it to be over and done with.

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Thanks Rita.

I just want to be in compliance.

This is one bank out five. After penalties/tax/lawyer's fees.....the money left will be just a fraction of the total amount I originally posted. A very small fraction......assuming we never hear from the other banks.

DH learned a very costly lesson. I think he wants to give whatever is left over to family members.

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