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Happy Birthday, income tax (16th Amendment)


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On the flip side without a complicated income tax system we are out of business :scratch_head:

Not so much -- even if the 16th was repealed today, there would be ten years of work (collections statute) on folks not current. Then there is still plenty of work in accounting and bookkeeping -- plus state taxes on sales, incomes, etc. However, our time of listening to the endless muzak loop while our calls are on "ignore" would be diminished and eventually DONE.

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I don't do any sales tax returns. And I stopped taking any new bookkeeping clients 2 years back.

I don't think a complex nation like ours can survive just on state taxes. Do we know of any other large democracy that survives on only state or regional taxes? Just my opinion.

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16th Amendment? Oh, but it could have been so much worse! After the 15th Amendment gave blacks the right to vote, there was quite a push for the 16th Amendment to let women vote.

If it weren't for all those blacks and women voting, it would take a lot less time in the voting line.

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