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Last year's Biggest Issue......


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For many of us the big dilemma last year at this time was whether to take the RTRP test and/or where to sign up for continuing ed. I, personally, took and passed the test on May 11 so that I could have it behind me and move forward. Well, we all know how that ended up. I have no regrets and I have always taken continuing ed; and always will. This year we have an entire new set of problems. I am not going to remove my RTRP certificate from the wall. I am not going to worry needlessly about 2012 software. I still have returns to finish and money to collect. Seems like I made the big decisions last year; put a 200 sf addition onto my office (with no regrets); hired part time help for the first time ever (again, with no regrets). Along with the new office I had purchased all new equipment so had three computers available for the three licenses that ATX allowed. That decision may have been what helped me to get through the season without all of the problems reported by others. I had also opted early on not to network (with no regrets). It was still a very difficult season even for me so I can only imagine what some of you went through; especially for our newer colleagues.

Because of all of the above reasons and others, I am not going to let sofrware decisions drive me around the bend. I have been through this before; many years ago when Intuit bought out Parsons. It's been a long road since then, traveled all the way with first Saber and then various combinations of ATX products. This time I have a choice to either stay or leave. Since I am a sole proprietor, only I can make that decision after weighing all issues. I very much appreciate all of the (positive) not (negative) input on this board. You are a great bunch of friends, colleagues, and advisors. I thank all of you and sincerely hope that next year at this time we will all be much happier than most of us are now. :)

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Guest Taxed

Your decision to not run ATX on a network was your lucky move!

As you can tell most of the serious complaints came from network users.

I have a network BUT I always have one copy on a standalone system as a backup. Years ago I had a serious problem with my network right in the middle of tax season and had to cancel appointments for 2 days till I got help! Will not repeat that mistake again.

My suggestion to anyone is always have a standalone system ready to fire up should you run into similar issues if you still use ATX 2013!

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My big upcoming decision will be whether to buy and set up another computer for my assistant to use while I'm on the main one, and if so, how I'll set it up. What happens with the Supreme Court and DOMA will likely determine how much money I'm willing to spend before I try to anticipate what next years season will look like.

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My big upcoming decision will be whether to buy and set up another computer for my assistant to use while I'm on the main one, and if so, how I'll set it up. What happens with the Supreme Court and DOMA will likely determine how much money I'm willing to spend before I try to anticipate what next years season will look like.

That is a very interesting comment. I am assuming (always dangerous) that if the court overturns DOMA, you will not have the complications that your same-sex clients have now? Are you contemplating the IRS will automatically apply married rules to your RDP clients? And do you think that will take place by the time tax season rolls around.

I have listened to your posts about your clients, and I have marveled at how you have created a niche for yourself.

Final question. Will you have enough retention of your clients if your specialty goes by the wayside?

If this is too personal, just say so. I have always wanted to talk to you about your practice, but did not want to do it so much in public, unless you want to.


Hollister, CA

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Well, if DOMA falls, my clients that are married will be filing only one return. I expect I may lose some of these that have very simple returns, but I may not lose some that have discovered the joys of professional preparation. But even if I keep these clients, revenue will drop. The RDPs will likely still be complicated, and some may continue as RDPs if they see significant benefits from doing so. Some will get married. But it's going to be difficult to predict what revenue will look like. I do expect to increase advertising for tax problems and audit representation. And my assistant has so far brought in two small business clients!

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Guest Taxed

If you have developed a niche practice, the word of mouth will get you many referrals regardless of how DOMA fares! As you can tell many tax preparers will not go the extra mile to do these special returns, or charge extra.

You could pickup a decent used desktop from craigslist for less than $200 these days for your assistant and run 2 standalone system and use a flash drive to transfer client files as needed.

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If DOMA is struck down, and the IRS says same sex married gets treated exactly like other married couples, then wouldn't it follow that RDP would go away in CA? I know that some older couples have used RDP status for tax and other reasons, but I would think that RDP would simply vanish in CA and your choice is to get married or file single.

Do you think RDP status would survive in CA if DOMA is struck down?


Hollister, CA

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I have no idea, and haven't seen any commentary yet regarding that issue. The Supremes are supposed to rule in June sometime, so I do anticipate it being done before next season. There will be amendments and follow ups on the protective claims I've filed. Some of the new clients I've gotten have always used professional prep, so I do expect to keep them. The one thing about this business is it always keeps you on your toes!

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My big upcoming decision will be whether to buy and set up another computer for my assistant to use while I'm on the main one, and if so, how I'll set it up. What happens with the Supreme Court and DOMA will likely determine how much money I'm willing to spend before I try to anticipate what next years season will look like.

I laid out a lot of money last year never expecting the chaos that it turned out to be. At this point, I have the new computer and my assistant uses my old and trusty XP. So far, she has not gotten into preparing returns but I have asked her to think about it for next year. She did save me many, many hours of busy time by doing all the little things like assembly, phone duty, bookkeeping and data entry. I also have a fairly decent Win 7 laptop which I can carry with me when I leave town and still want to work. Under no circumstances would I consider networking. I have three computers and my tablet on WiFi.; and, like you, experienced a lot fewer problems than many. A really good computer is fairly inexpensive these days and maintenance and backup are the keys that keep things oiled. You seem to be doing a really great job and, in many ways, I feel that we think the same. Always good to see your posts.

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I do have a vintage 2005 XP laptop that she was using just to access my website portal and download client files. She's moved onto basic data entry on the returns and is catching on very quickly. What I'd like her to be able to do is manipulate my client files from the Scansnap document manager, the business excel files, and other docs at the very least. If I get a Win 7 laptop or desktop, she could access my computer through the Win 7 file sharing system. If I want to get another Win 7 computer, I'll have to move pretty quickly. Of course, being able to be networked with the tax software and print out an assemble returns while I'm working on others would be ideal!

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Are you really expecting ideal? ;) I should have added that each of my computers has its individual laser printer. They are so inexpensive now and I don't need a workhorse for the laptop. For whatever reason, I am less stressed and more rested than I have been in a long time. I do believe that just having another person in house to vent to is advantageous in itself. I don't have her coming in any more; she has two other part time jobs. I have been doing other things and trying to whip my extension clients into shape....just getting them to bring in the info is the hard part. Have done a few amendment and one injured spouse for the poor guy who lost two thirds of his refund because of an old student loan debt of his soon to be x-wife. He didn't even know about it as it was long before he met her..plus, she didn't work and contribute to the household income.

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Guest Taxed

Amazing how those old student loan defaults destroy a marriage!

May be marriage license applications should ask for all assets and liabilities??

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Amazing how those old student loan defaults destroy a marriage!

May be marriage license applications should ask for all assets and liabilities??

That isn't what destroyed this marriage. She should have disclosed her entire life story. Now, two little children have to suffer too. One hers from before; one his, which is the reason he married her in the first place.

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