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Everything posted by BulldogTom

  1. That is what I did. It got real annoying real fast to have to check that box. Like the first time it happened. I am not in the business of doing CCH's sales for them. I hate those foreign ba$tard$ who own that company, and I will not support their marketing efforts to my clients. Tom Hollister, CA
  2. Thank you to all of you for the great information. I think a tablet and a reader are coming in the next year. Probably a "black Friday" special next year. I am locked in for this year with my current carrier, but I am dumping them at the end of the contract. This is a great topic and I appreciate all of your input. Tom Hollister, CA
  3. I am still waiting for a couple days. At least until the Fee Collect issue is resolved. But thanks for the feedback. Tom Hollister, CA
  4. Thanks for the heads up. I was not aware that the invoice was being changed. I know that we have gotten a reject on the fee collect and on the other board they are saying that a whole batch of fee collect got rejected for no reason and they would be resubmitting them. I told the client to wait, but he wanted to go on the first day. To be clear, the tax return is accepted, but the bank app is being rejected for an unknown reason. ATX is aware of the issue and is telling tax preparers not to resubmit the files, that ATX will resubmit all the rejects. Tom Hollister, CA
  5. I read somewhere that the maximum balance allowed in a MyRA would be $15,000. At that point, the account would have to be rolled into a Roth IRA. I wonder if there will be an exemption for a required rollover from the MyRA? Tom Hollister, CA
  6. Love this topic. Thanks for starting it. Are there any options for plugging into a laptop? Anyone have any experience with that? I don't have a tablet or a smart phone. I am leary of any product put out by CCH right now, so iTransact has not been on my radar. Anyone have more info on how that works? I really don't want to be too tied to CCH. What about Paypal. Do any of you use that and is it as cheap or convenient as Square? Thanks Tom Hollister, CA
  7. Can you use square attached to a laptop or desktop rather than a smartphone? I would like to dump my vendor (same reasons, high fees plus %). I am looking for something new, but my phone is not very smart (it is really just a phone). Thanks for any info you can give me. My laptop and desktop are both Win7 if that is important. Tom Hollister, CA
  8. California is notorious for late approvals. Besides, the state feels that every return should be e-filed. It clears up eventually. Tom Hollister, CA
  9. That is not how it is supposed to work. It is not how my software is behaving. There is something going on with your application. I think you will need support to work it out. Tom Hollister, CA
  10. When you click on the green arrow in the box for depreciation on the form, it should ask you if you want to get a fixed asset worksheet or go to the vehicle worksheet. That should bring up the fixed asset worksheet with the 4562. Tom Hollister, CA
  11. I run two satelite offices (the are not in malls, but in small offices), and we use a laptop. I want to be able to take all my records and the computer off site any time I am not there. Security. I have a pretty powerful laptop, and we keep all the files updated on each machine after each day. I never thought about networking them, but I guess it could be done, but we don't do it. The biggest challenge is to make sure you have access to all the data and files you need. We try to work by appointment only in the satellite offices, but you never know when someone is going to "drop in for just a second to get this knocked out". When you don't have thier physical file on hand, it can sometimes be challenging. If you have any specific questions, just ask. Tom Hollister, CA
  12. Anyone remember "Wrist Rockets"? They were a slingshot that wrapped around your wrist to give you more power. Every squirel, bird and occasional cat (when no one was looking - sorry cat lovers) that got in my way when I was 10 got hit by that thing. Incredibly powerful. Tom Hollister, CA
  13. OH CRAP, Did you really have to go over the top like that? He will be impossible to live with on this board now..... Actually, this is a great story, and a testiment to the relationships that can be made. Kudos to Jack. Tom Hollister, CA
  14. Do you now any 13 year olds with bb guns? If it is so high up, the owner will get tired of replacing it at some point. As I read this story, I just kept thinking "would I use a bb gun or a .22?". Tom Hollister, CA
  15. There is a new input screen in ATX this year. Making the election to use the simplified method is not done directly on the schedule c, it is done on the worksheet. If you check the box for the simplified method on that input sheet, the 8829 blanks out and the simplified method calculation flows directly to the schedule C. If you unclick the box, the info in the 8829 comes back. Pretty handy when you get used to where to go in the program to make it work. The input sheet also has info for the allocations of multiple offices in the home. I have not played with that yet, but it looks to be a pretty neat feature. Thanks KC for the confirmation on the regs for carryovers. Thanks to Jack for the confirmation on the way to handle loss situations. Tom Hollister, CA
  16. If you use the simplified method, the 8829 goes blank. I assume that is the way it is intended by the IRS and ATX for the form to work. Question, what do you do if there is not enough income to support the entire deduction. I think I read somewhere that it is lost and cannot be carried over to the next year? Can someone confirm? So, if the business cannot support the entire deduction, even if the simplified method deduction amount is greater than the actual method amount, it is better to use the actual method so that you can carry the expenses to the following year. Does that sound logical? Tom Hollister, CA
  17. A protective claim would seem to be in order. If the government does not prevail, anyone who has recieved severance pay would seem to be able to collect the taxes withheld. If you have any clients out there that are high wage earners or employers who have severed employment with high wage earners, it might be worth the effort. Tom Hollister, CA
  18. Yes. I am the one who first discovered this issue and asked Jack in OH to take a look at it. I have 8 gig flash drives and when I tried to back up to it, it told me that it would not start the backup because there was not enough space on the drive I was backing up to. Now, that is not my autobackup location. I was putting it on a flash drive to take it off site for emergency precautions. My normal backup location is on my C drive. Tom Hollister, CA
  19. Most newer computers (say in the last 3-4 years) have a video card with the ability to support 2 monitors as a standard feature. Unless you bought something really cheap. Tom Hollister, CA
  20. Thanks for the update Jack. I appreciate your dilligence in getting to the right people who will listen at ATX. I will be looking for your updated information on this issue. Tom Hollister, CA
  21. It was that stupid check box on the 8867. We checked the box, the IRS pulled the file for review and did not get around to the review until May. The software said it was ack'd, the IRS said it was being reviewed. ATX said they could do nothing, since the return was ack'd. The IRS said they could do nothing because of George W. Bush (at least that what "It will be processed when we can get to it" sounded like to me). They did not process until after the April 15th close of the season. I had about 8 calls into the IRS, and always got the same B.S. Those lazy bastards just don't do their job anymore. I used to think that I both the IRS and I had the same goal, namely, to get an accurate tax return processed for the taxpayer in as timely a manner as possible. Now I know that they just want their salary and benefits and they don't give a damn about the taxpayers, the tax professional community, or being professionals in their field. My relationship with them has devolved to the point of distaste, distrust, and combative negotiations at every turn. I will do everything in my power to make them work harder on every issues just to make sure they earn every dollar that they take from the American people whom they are sworn to serve but have abandoned. Sorry for the rant. I still hate ATX more than the IRS, but not by much. Tom Hollister, CA
  22. I still have last year's opening week debacle in my mind (2 clients did not get their refunds until May that went in the first day of efile - I even called my congressman to try and help with no luck getting the IRS to get off their ass and process the returns). With that kind of history, I am very leary about putting my clients into that potential position again. Right now, I am telling my clients that I will hold the returns for a couple days until I think the system is working properly. When I tell them that last year 2 people had to wait until May, they seem to be very understanding about a possible 1 week delay in getting their refund. What are the rest of you telling your early clients? Tom Hollister, CA
  23. You are miles ahead of the game. Make sure your client's escrow company files it properly. You have just earned your fee for the client. Tom Hollister, CA
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