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Everything posted by Richcpaman

  1. Marilyn: I was referring to the OP's client. He *left* that job. Not your client. Rich
  2. Marilyn: The administrator told the client. But just like when *we* tell them something, they do not listen... And he *left* that job. He could not *repay* the loan, right? Rich
  3. But the smaller ones now say "Cut along Dotted Line" and have a line at the top.
  4. Can someone tell me why the Federal Payment coupon for balances due, the Federal estimates and State of Maryland estimates are all different sizes? Why can't I just make ONE cut with the paper cutter instead of having to line up all three and making THREE cuts.... Sheesh... Rich
  5. 4) Next time you are thinking of leaving a job, give me a call. And BTW, here is your tax return. You need a payment plan with that? Rich
  6. Richcpaman


    I put in the Engagement Letter, March 29th. After that, no promises for a April 15th completion. Rich
  7. Jack: Why not have all three vertical? Scrolling is one thing, but its the drag and drop that makes a difference. JM: Tell them about your elevator table.... Rich
  8. I have that return... He works in states all over and gets one W-2 from the company, but all the states... Plus, travel deductions for over nights Plus the schedule A and her w-2 and small Biz. Plus the kids Education credits... Oh, yeah, maybe not... But its $500 to $550 for me. I would tell your client the Mexican portion and the TFAR regulations changes costs $200 more than last year as a minimum..... Rich
  9. I let them know that every time I have to find the file to put something into it, it goes to the bottom of the pile... Or I toss it into the clients casket, using your example... Rich
  10. Yes, the 1099-S is in all that paperwork from the closing... You have to get "something" after they charge you $75-150 for "tax document preparation" on the settlement sheet. If they had a gun, they would be in jail for some of this stuff... Rich
  11. Expect the state of California to "not find" the withholding after you file. Check with the title company to see if they can give you a copy of the form and the check used to pay CA. Rich
  12. Decided to call the 1-800 number. Yep. Its broke. Sent to development to fix it. Rich
  13. They are entered on Compensation Tab on Page 7 of the 990. There are 5 employees that should be on Page 7, as the combined wages and benefits are above the $100k amount. Internally, in ATX they take those amounts and populate the Sch J. However, NOT all of them show up on Sch J. And you can't "add" a line item for the employee on Sch J to override. Once they are on Sch J, you can make adjustments to the amounts, but you can't "add" them if they are not there.. If you inflated the wages past the threshold on Page 7, then they show up over on Schedule J, but now you have bad numbers on Page 7. ???? Rich
  14. Jack: A suggested reply for you: Client: Please have the broker send over his proposed loan package for you. I would like to propose some "adjustments" to THOSE documents before you agree to anything. Signed. Jack. Have him send THAT one to a broker. Also an invoice for the tax prep, and the "adjustments" that the broker can pay. Rich
  15. Doing a 990 for 2013. Non-Profit has 5 HCE. You have to report on Page 7 of the 990, as well as Sch J. The problem is, they changed how you do it. There is some interplay, that did not exist in the past. It needs to be on Page 7 first, or it does not show up on the Sch J, and you can't add it. What am I missing? Rich
  16. Naveen: That is the "client's Info" and can't be withheld by the prior accountant, even if he wasn't paid. Sure, you can get the workpaper's, but the prior accountant needs to provide that password. A phone call to the state will help get your client back in. Rich
  17. JM: It is stupid. Somehow, in the 2011 and before versions, they figured out how to add a box: Do not show this message again? Yes/No? And you clicked yes, and each time you left after that, you didn't see that stupid message. I know this isn't 2011 anymore and I have to forget about it, but really? Rich
  18. Just had a large Farm operation 1120 tax return.... $450k in equipment new in 2012, take 100% deprec/179/bonus/etc on fed and get taxable income below 25k. But have and add back of $250k on the MD return. Ok, big tax $ to MD. Go to the next year.... Not much federal deprec to take, but have a large deduction on the MD return. But no income to offset nor carryforward or carry back options. It really sucks. Rich
  19. JSH: I have never had an attorney refuse to speak with me. And I know some doozy attorneys. What was going on with the FLP's? Were they transferring ownership %'s every year using up the Max Gifting amount? Or every other year? Seems that would be the only reason for a dispute about ownership %'s. Sometimes clients go away. I expect that to happen. I generally know *why* I may have been fired. I send them the organizer, set up the appointment and do the regular things I do, and then I follow up once, or twice. Two or more times if a particularly large client. If a straight forward W-2/Sch A return, just once. Rich
  20. IF, and that is my IF, I wasn't meeting/talking with the clients, I wouldn't be doing this job. And my clients appreciate the "face time". I don't like to be locked in the back office, processing the paper.... that is NO FUN. Rich
  21. The standard deduction is $6500 +/- right? So at 15%, we are talking about $975. And in Ohio, doesn't it make sense to save bucket fulls on the OH return to file separate? I thought it was a second marriage. Rich
  22. Just had this issue this past week. T/P with 2012 return. I made four appointments with him, that he broke, to get the 2012 return done. Now, he wants to redo the mortgage with the bank. Now he is hot for the 2012 return to be completed. Phone message after a week: "Rich can you send me the return! I need it!" I get it done, create the bill, and have my office manager call him and leave a message: "The return is complete, the fee is $360 and Rich needs a credit card number" He calls me back the next day... "Rich what's up with that?" "I get paid at time of service, not when its convienent, what the numbers?" And then I sent the return info out. Screw em. Rich
  23. LJ: My deepest sympathies as well. That is a real burden to carry. What do you need assistance with? Review? Input? Assembly? If you need input help, if your are scanning backup info into PDF, you could send a copy of that plus last years ATX file and tax returns, an then one of us could input that info and return a completed tax return via export to you. Just negotiate the fee... per return, etc. Review? Sorta the same thing. Assembly, well, we have to be in the office for that Think it thru. Some one can help. Rich
  24. New client comes in. Has a Form 1065 for a Real Estate Investment. Sends me the spreadsheet with expenses and revenue. Revenue is $600 for renting the land for hunting.... There is one old barn on the property, not used for anything. Client drives once a month to their cabin that is another 50 miles up the road from this property. So, he has listed, every month, travel to the Form 1065 Real Estate to "check on it and Work on it." That is 250 mile round trip, plus tolls and meals... $3k in expenses BTW, he's an engineer. Add him to the list. Rich
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