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Everything posted by Richcpaman

  1. You could refuse to do any EITC returns. I do some. Not many. Not an area I wish to be engaged in. Anyone else who wishes to be, good for them. I do not charge EITC clients "more" because of EITC, I charge them more because the return is more complicated and subject to greater scrutiny by the several levels of government. If you wanted to make that premium $100 or $150, that is management decision. The preparer penalties can be stiff. But I will never pay a nickel in EITC preparer penalties. I don't swim in those waters. So, the amount you would need to protect yourself isn't that high. Rich
  2. Jack: Ask the "attorney" for a copy of the settlement document. You can be hired by the "attorney" to prepare the return and would be covered by attorney client privledge and or confidentiality of the agreement to read it. No, the insurance company isn't going to correct. You can also have the "attorney" give you a letter stating that the amounts received by client "a" were for "xx" and "YY" and therefore not subject to any taxation and why not. Then you can file the return list the income to Line 21, and then back it out. And if the CP2000 letter comes, send them a copy of the attorneys letter. Rich
  3. Richcpaman


    Christian: Who is paying for the second house that the daughter and grandkids live in? If the Parents are footing that bill as well, and daughter has no income, then maybe they do NOT lose out on the EITC. Is the Daughter dating someone new that rents/owns this 2nd house? Rich
  4. Bulldog: Listen to Jack. I could charge my EITC Client 25% of the refund if I wanted. I would not, but I could. Rich
  5. Cathy: I knew that it was a lien. I knew what happens in these cases, thank you for the additional information about it. It may have different terminology in different states, and I have noted over the years that Wells Fargo can be somewhat extreme in their underwriting practices. The PhD guy was still an idiot. Someone puts $20-30K of equipment on your house that you do not have to pay for and they wonder if there wasn't "something" to secure the sellers interest? I mean, really? Should it be in bold letters in the contract? Sure. Why not, its a serious commitment for 20 years and the obligation to whom ever buys the house from you. Rich
  6. Jerry: I think you know what you have to do. Its always difficult to do it. Very few of my returns went thru the office without some sort of increase, from $5 to $50. Just do it. Rich
  7. No. If she was "audited" for 89 cents? Me? I give candy bars to my clients. And I might have one as a snack. And I am deducting ALL of them. No M&E deduction, or anything like that. She was in tax court for other reasons. Rich
  8. Why wouldn't you charge more for an EITC return? Which return is most likely to get you into trouble? EITC returns. From dependency issues, to who gets to claim who, to all sorts of other things. When a simple return, with the addition of EITC goes from 4 pages to 16, its time to get paid for that. Rich
  9. Getting the lien on the property makes sense. They still own the solar panels, the homeowner does not. Just like if the PhD went to "Aaron Rents" and rented a new barcolounger for $20 a week. He doesn't "own" the chair. They do make it easy at the leasing firms to substitute to lien or subordinate to another refinancing or even sale. But it makes for extra steps. And if you did not read your contract, or understand what you were doing, you are an idiot. Rich
  10. Bleeh... I don't have to franchise to provide good service. To charge standard rates. To not "surprise" my clients. Mario: Sorry. That biz plan don't hunt. Rich
  11. We did that as well. Picked up several clients that should have been rolled over. Rich
  12. 18! Wow. Cool. Think of all that revenue after April 15th! Keep smiling everyone! It is Christmas every day around my office right now. Rich
  13. Are you considered a Qbooks Pro-Adviser? Rich
  14. I am meeting with the client. Picking up their complicated return, plus the son's Easier, but now he is working in the "real World" return. The invoice has a total for both the parents and the kid. I ask him if he wants a separate bill for the kid, and if so how much of it too the kid? "All of IT!" We both laughed. Rich
  15. I have one where they get a Comp letter from the Realtor that says the rental value of the Pastors home is $4,800 a month. I am in the wrong biz. Rich
  16. Like I remember what is different on your return? The comparison makes it easier to explain it. Kinda tough to read upside down, however. Rich
  17. Marilyn: Wow, that sucks. Hope that it easily treated. April 16th is BILLING day. Find out who hasn't been billed, and run all the stats. Make a list of what to do better. Then go play golf. Rich
  18. Yes, had the same thing. A useless state return. Rich
  19. Yes. It has been real stable. "Some" workstations are have some issues now, so I will upgrade after tax season. Rich
  20. Ron: Almost put a shout out to you today... Did an Ohio return yesterday, first time in 16-18 years. What a PITA. You probably could have saved me 2 hours.... Why don't I use this asset when I know its available.... Thanks to everyone! Rich
  21. Something about "fifty shades there..." I start at $200 and go from there. My SS and Capital Loss C/Forward is the only reason to file guy showed up. Yep, that is all. Except for the fact that he lived in Mexico the last three years and all his money is stuffed away in peso's in a the National Bank De Mexicala.... Can you say: "FinCen Reporting" Yes, I know you could. Rich
  22. Sorry to hear that, I hope you feel better soon. My couch is in my office.... Rich
  23. Even the IRS's own stat's show that the VITA program results in tax returns with over a 40-45% error rate. You get what you pay for. That is what I tell folks. Rich
  24. Yes, I buy 10-15 boxes of GS Tag-a-longs. I limit myself to a 5 cookies a day. There are 3 rows of 5 in each box, so I am good until after the 15th! Judy, Glad you got thru the credit card statements. NECPA: I would have looked at her and said: So, this is payment for THIS years return, I will take another check for LAST year.... (Big Smile) Rich
  25. I took my two staffers to lunch last Saturday. We called the order in, so it was ready when we walked in. (Don't have much time, we are working right...) We sit down to eat, and are enjoying ours selves, and the PITA Client comes in to pick up a pizza. Now, this guy has been a client for 5 years, and this past year he started grumbling about the bill. I did the corp work, and YE Payroll. Usually did the 1040, but the quote of $400 seems "too high" this year. So, said PITA client ambles over and asks: "Can I ask you a few questions about...." Rich: "Sure!, call my office for an appointment!" PITA Client: Blank stare... "But...?" Rich: Yep, call the office for an appointment and we can discuss whatever you need...." And arrow would not be good enough... Rich
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