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Posts posted by RitaB

  1. 14 hours ago, BHoffman said:

    It's like a rodent chewed open their SSA forms....

    Is it just me, or is the glue ball situation getting better on those?  I hate that glue so much.  And when the wheels on your chair hit a glue ball that missed the trash can as you're sliding between desks it's a *#$%@.

    • Like 6
  2. 7 hours ago, DANRVAN said:

    And even if they do throw me in the slammer,  I am not the least bit concerned since I made a pact with Rita and she will bust me out.


    4 hours ago, FDNY said:

    She is our fearless Queen as she already has us organized with sharp pointy pencils to arrive at Leavenworth in T account formation.  We're not worried.

     Well, let's relax for a few days in the Cross Bar Motel before we tunnel out.  It's probably more fun than what we've been doing.

    • Like 5
  3. 18 hours ago, RitaB said:

    Additionally,  I've been around here long enough to know that DANRVAN is an outstanding professional...We might not go to jail.


    7 hours ago, DANRVAN said:

    Also, under Code Sec. 5000A(g)(2) and Reg. § 1.5000A-5(b), a taxpayer is not subject to any criminal prosecution or penalty for failure to timely pay the individual mandate penalty, and IRS can’t file a notice of lien with respect to any property of a taxpayer because of his failure to pay the individual mandate penalty or levy on any property of a taxpayer with respect to that failure. But IRS may offset any liability for the shared responsibility payment against any overpayment due the taxpayer, in accordance with Code Sec. 6402(a) and its regs.

    Told ya.

    • Like 2
  4. Thanks, Guys.  I opened another 2013 return and entered DOD 10/28/2015 (that guy was a PITA so it was sorta fun doing that) and "Deceased Blah, Blah" did NOT print at top, so it wasn't just something stupid like printing page 1 too soon.  Not that we trust software.  Curious if other software does the same and I know nobody's busy so...


    One more thing:

    7 hours ago, WITAXLADY said:

    i have about 12  - 2013's to do...

    Wait, what?  How does that happen?

    • Like 3
  5. Tax Topics 356 says toward the bottom:  "If you're a surviving spouse filing a joint return and there's no appointed personal representative, you should sign the return and write in the signature area 'Filing as surviving spouse.' A surviving spouse can file joint returns for the taxable year in which the death occurred and, if the death occurred before filing the return, for the taxable year immediately before the year of death."

    Makes me think the "Deceased Blah, Blah" not printing on a 2013 return when the DOD was in 2015 might be ok.


    • Like 4
  6. New client just picked up 2013 return.  Refund in excess of $10,000.  Has to be mailed.  Husband died in Oct 2015.  I entered his DOD, and "Filing as Surviving Spouse" printed in TP signature box.  "Deceased Blah, Blah, Blah" did NOT print at top.  Why not?  I figured it had something to do with the death being two years in the future, if you know what I mean.  Now it is worrying me to death.

    Should I write that in (Deceased Blah, Blah...) and have her mail a second return today?

    I rolled over the 2013 return and opened 2014, and the "Deceased Blah, Blah"  DID show at top.  This is worrying me to death that she's going to lose that refund over something stupid.  Of course, it is the ultimate in stupidity for her to wait until NOW to file, but that won't matter.  It will be my fault.  Everything is our fault.

    • Like 3
  7. 31 minutes ago, gfizer said:

     And extra on top of that if you suffered a paper cut while doing the opening!

    I got a paper cut from a manila folder Tuesday.  Has nothing to do with this thread, but I'm lonely and need sympathy from my interweb friends.  It hurt so bad...

    • Like 9
  8. 11 minutes ago, BLACK BART said:

    Well...see; it depends!  I might just happen to be doing a $500 last-minute return for a tardy but repeat Johnny-come-lately customer and I'd rather not lose him by getting bogged down with Godzilla-woman's $75 job (I've seen many a "five-minute short-form" devolve into a time-burning royal PIA).   

    Every Godzilla-woman I know talks your head off and forgets half her forms.  The other half have that oily goop from the beauty shop all over them and you can't read the numbers.  Probably have to explain to her why she can't claim her 30 cats.  You'll be lucky if you can get her address and SSN for the extension request in five minutes.  ISTG. 


    • Like 8
  9. 4 hours ago, DANRVAN said:

    While the law concerning the SRP penalty has not changed, taxpayers are allowed to file without indicating whether or not they have coverage. That means a correct and accurate return can be filed without checking the box. The taxpayers need to know what their rights  and possible consequences are.

    I have filed one that way after a thorough oral and written explanation I drafted  was signed by the client.  I can not force them to check a box they which they are not required to check.


    3 hours ago, Jack from Ohio said:

    You are much more willing to gamble than I am.  IF there is a letter and a ruling against your client, YOU could be on the hook for filing an inaccurate return because you KNEW what was correct and did not do it.

    Go for it, if you like your chances.

    I had one client that insisted on not answering the question.  I didn't like it, and I made it clear what could happen, and I sincerely hope she gets a letter asking for the $343 or whatever it was that she owed.  But, you know, I have gotten 15 new clients this year and every single one of their 2015 returns had blatant errors on them.  Every.  Single.  One.  All professionally prepared.  None were audited.  I'm not holding my breath.

    Additionally,  I've been around here long enough to know that DANRVAN is an outstanding professional, and I don't think either he or I need to lose a lot of sleep over this very weird situation.  And I'll betcha there have been more screw ups over ACA than anything in the history of the world.  We might not go to jail.

    • Like 6
  10. I've noticed that the degree of shock and surprise at owing from my clients can oftentimes be predicted by the date of drop off.  Yeah, you had no idea you owed and that's why you're coming in here a month later than usual.  Yeah, gotcha.  And no, I'm not really sympathetic to your plight as you are emailing me while on your vacation in Honofreakinglulu. 

    • Like 8
  11. 2 hours ago, jklcpa said:

    I think where some of these people with questionable exclusions get it by the IRS is when the settlement agent asks about the move and usage dates. Isn't there some form or question that is asked of the seller whether or not they qualify for the gain exclusion, and if they say 'yes', then the 1099-S is not issued?


  12. 1 hour ago, BulldogTom said:

     I went through everything she had and put a damn good return together with no question marks on it.

    Crying here, too.  OMG that is the best thing I've read in a long time.  This is what we do - damn good returns with no question marks on them.  I don't know about the slackers who decide what to do based on audit risk.  That's bullshit.  But I'm happy to have no question marks.

    • Like 10
  13. The old friends, dropping off, KILLED ME LAST WEEK.  I sit here nodding and sending subliminal messages:  Yes, I love you, yes I want to know every frikkin detail of your life.  Can you please tell me every frikkin detail of your life sometime May - December?  Monthly would be ok at this point, ISTG.  I have 12 weeks to make 75% of my living here.  Please stop talking.  Why is no one walking in?  Who can I text to call me?  Nobody, cause the one I would text is frikkin sitting here killing me.  KILLING ME.   I'm getting up now, walking you to the door, yes I love you.  Yes, get outta here for the love of God....

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