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Abby Normal

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Posts posted by Abby Normal

  1. It backs up Companies, Payers and Preparers automatically, but you have to do a manual backup to backup Setup Data.


    From ATX:


    "Setup Data" is a consolidated group of data that includes the following types of information that you use regularly in ATX:

    • Preferences - all the preferences you've selected for your system
    • Security Manager information that you've set up
    • Print Packet settings
    • Custom Client Letters
    • Customized Master Forms
    • EFIN Enrollment Data
    • Unpostable Funds records
    • FAM settings
    • PRS purchases
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  2. It only backs up the files that have changed. It automatically backs up each client as you close it, unless you've turned that off in preferences.


    You can watch it happen at:


    C:ProgramDataCCH Small Firm ServicesATX 2014 ServerATX 2014 Backup


    Warning: ProgramData is a hidden folder. You have to change view Folder Options to see show hidden folders.

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  3. But, wouldn't you get tired from standing all day.  It's making my feet ache.


    I'm working off 2 computers this year....one in the bedroom and one in the dining room....so I keep running from one to the other.


    That's my exercise!

    I can stand for over an hour before my feet start aching. If I lost some weight, I could stand longer. I can usually stand 3-4 hours out of a 12 hour day. Every little bit helps! My core and legs are firmer for it.

    • Like 1
  4. Ask them to stop donating and they will save 6K. Those 6K can go to max his 401K or pay their tax bill.



    Boo! I was going to say how pleased I was they were making solid donations. I see people with much higher AGI not making any donations, the cheapskates!


    Also, buying deductions is a losers games unless it's retirement contributions. He should def max out his 401K.

    • Like 2
  5. Saw this on official forums:


    a manual refresh of the assets. Go to fixed assets and put the cursor in any cost or basis field. Hit
    Ctrl / Alt / Shift / 2 (2 not F2). A little circle will appear for a few seconds. This will clear off the old asset information from the forms.

  6. Right from the IRS Audit Guide:


    Treas. Regs. § 1.183-1(e) provides that for purposes of IRC § 183, gross income includes the total of all gains from the sale, exchange or other disposition of property and all other gross receipts derived from such activity. It also provides that gross receipts from the activity may be reduced by cost of goods sold to determine gross income



  7. Well - I am not so sure. Twice so far this year I have received printed information (name, address, SSN, and an amount as well as the payer information) ON A BLANK HALF SHEET OF PAPER with a label attached that says "Form 1099". But for the fact that the client has had royalties in the past from that company, I would not know that the number on the paper represented royalties. I know that is an anomaly, but still - things are not as consistent as we would like to believe.


    I got one of those too. It's because QuickBooks won't print 1099s on blank paper like it does with W2s.

  8. If there was no 'tax benefit' it is not taxable. Override the taxable refund worksheet. I do this all the time in AMT situations and zero prior year tax situations.


    Go back to the prior year return and reduce the state taxes claimed by the amount of the refund. If the tax liability does not change, the refund is not taxable.

    • Like 4
  9. This is all due to that new feature in Preference Communications where you tell ATX to make the letter always say one thing. Turns out they did such a bad job of implementing it that you can't override in the individual clients. C'mon ATX. It's not that hard!


    I won't be happy until there is a paper file letter option.

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