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Abby Normal

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Posts posted by Abby Normal

  1. And they've made some nice improvements this year.


    Does anyone else feel like after they rolled over all the extensions, it got a little less stable? I had one printing really slow so I had to close and reopen.


    Also, my letters have reset to default wording twice this year. I hope they fix that for next year. Would be nice to do the letters once and be set.

  2. JM, are you using ATX MAX?  How much do they charge for the extra user?   Maybe you should consider purchasing the Total Tax office package that includes up to 5 users and would give you the research package too.  I used MAX for years and then found that purchasing TTO actually saved me some money because I was able to eliminate other research products I was purchasing separately.

    Yes I bought MAX. I didn't understand the other options. Thanks, I'll check into when I renew!

  3. It's not a duplicate. It's just telling you to classify that much of the gain as ordinary gain over on 4797 Pt II. People with large cap loss c/o can hit with phantom income when selling MLPs.


    Also, you should be freeing up PTP losses to be deducted on Sch E.


    I've done a few Kinder Morgan's already.


    I would never invest in one of these.

    • Like 2
  4. Speaking of education credits, I was doing one last night and switching between AOC, lifetime & deduction to see which gave lower tax. Deduction was giving lower tax and I almost didn't give it a second thought because it was a higher income return, but my spidey senses told me I should look at the 8863. Well, lo and behold, there was no 8863 in the return. I almost blew that one!


    Would be nice if ATX alerted you to the fact that no 8863 was in the return when you choose. It probably would have added it when I left the detail input screen but I didn't try that.

    • Like 1
  5. Efiling is unlimited.  You get three users for free but you pay for each user above three.  You have a per office fee and your user packs are not transferable.

    Depending on the pricing this might save me money. I need 5 users so I have to pay about $600 fox Max package every year. If they price additional users at anything less than 300/ea, I will save.

  6. A lot of people were paying for useless health care plans before and having to file for bankruptcy even though they were 'insured.' Health insurance companies need to go back to being nonprofit like they were in the 70s. No reason to have shareholders earning dividends off our struggle to be insured.

    • Like 3
  7. My finacee is taking IRA distributions so she doesn't slip into Medicaid territory. We can't get married because she would lose her PTC and go from paying 70/mo to 500/mo. I dropped my old grandfathered in plan for a new plan because the premiums were much lower and it offered better coverage, but with a higher deductible. I don't care because I'm just looking for catastrophic coverage anyway.

  8. Alt-Space


    Press down arrow until it's on the screen.


    And, yes I wish ATX would not reset all my window sizes and positions every time there's an update! I have to resize my print window and my communication manager window.


    And I still think if you were running ATX maximized, and not resized, you would not have this problem. Unless it's an issue with windows 7.

    • Like 1
  9. Quick & dirty refresher:


    If it distributes principal and income it is a complex trust. Income only distributed is a simple trust.

    If not all the income is distributed, some income stays in the trust to be taxed.

    Capital gains/losses usually stay in the trust until final return.

    Always read the trust document.

    • Like 5

    That is why I want CD's with my software, not these "one time license downloads"





    I just backup my install files. CrashPlanPro gives my unlimited storage and besides a 500GB backup is tiny now that hard drives are now in TB.

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