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Abby Normal

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Posts posted by Abby Normal

  1. They're supposed to fix this in 2015 by adding a check box on letter options for paper filing. It will automatically have the address which you can override if you wish.

    Edit: In the mean time, you have to change the preference under client communications to "Calculate based on efile status".

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  2. You might go for a partial deduction as listed property. If the work is hard on the painter's body and this chair allows him to work longer or faster, I could make a case for ordinary and necessary, at least partially.

  3. Client who has had sub-poverty level wages for a long time, had 50K of income due to a K1 fro a poorly handled (IMHO) estate. IRS wants to be sure she really filed the return and they want copies of all W2s, 1099s, etc. This became a refund return because I had her pay in enough on 4/15 with extension, so I understand the IRS computer questioning this, but the refund was only $90 so they shouldn't be wasting everyone's time.

  4. How do they plan to differentiate between a business computer and a home computer, just based on whether you're running home or pro version?

    I usually update my computers within a week of when updates are released. I install security updates sooner, sometimes.

  5. So the accrual box for foreign tax paid on Form 1116 indicates that the TP reports on the accrual basis?

    If he can't claim the credit until 2015 and he doesn't have any foreign income, then he will never get the credit for those taxes paid, will he?


    If you are a cash basis taxpayer you can only take the foreign tax credit in the year you pay the qualified foreign tax unless you elect to claim the foreign tax credit in the year the foreign taxes are accrued. Once you make this election, you cannot switch back to claiming the taxes in the year paid in later years.

    I guess it's a question of whether this qualifies as an accrual and also whether you can make a late election with an amended return. They also say on this same page:

    "If the foreign income taxes you claimed as a credit are refunded or otherwise reduced, you must file an amended return on Form 1040X reporting the reduced foreign tax credit. There is no time limit on this requirement."

    Hopefully, this works both ways.

    The 1116 instructions say "accrued during your tax year" but I don't know what that really means. The instructions also say that you must pay the accrued tax within two years after the close of the tax year. That would eliminate accrual for 2012.



  6. It is human nature to resist change.  Especially as you get older, and have seen a lot of "new, better" products turn out to be not better, at least now until the second or third or fourth try.  

    ​Yep. Never install version 1.0 or x.0. Never install current year QuickBooks until May. Let others be the Guinea Pigs. We've got work to do!

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