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Abby Normal

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Posts posted by Abby Normal

  1. Update on Nuance

    I bought the Standard version for 69.99 and it does make the pdf fillable and it can number the pages. However, the fields that are boxes like First Name, have too small of a font and since that's most fields on the organizer, it's not acceptable. I've emailed support asking about this. Also, it doesn't have the batch mode where you can apply page numbers to all your organizers at once, but since you have to open each organizer to make it fillable, I'm not sure that's a big deal.

    I may end up buying one copy of the Advanced version and several copies of the standard version to save $$.

  2. When I open the Nuance Fillable version, it is not fillable.  My Adobe program says it is opened in read only to prevent modification.  Is there a way around this?

    It doesn't give you an option to make it editable? I don't use Adobe because I hate it. I've used Foxit PDF reader for awhile but I'm always looking for a new reader.

    I just downloaded the file I linked to above and Adobe does say it opened it as read-only but there is an Enable Editing button top right. This is why I warned about saving it as a PDF/A. Apparently, I did a Save instead of a Save As.


  3. Yeah, I've had this happen with MD a couple of times and MD wouldn't even refund the excess since we didn't claim it on the tax return. I had some heated letters back and forth with the Comptroller of MD's office and I think they might be playing nice now, but I encourage all my clients to make online payments now.

  4. The videos that David Attenborough and the BBC have provided us are as amazing in their content as they are in the quantity. I've been watching them for at least 40 years. I was watching one Sunday morning and they showed a timelapse of the Resurrection plant that covered two weeks of growth and resulted in 10 seconds of film. The dedication that it takes to do that in the middle of the Sahara desert boggles the mind.

    I have no idea how they get so up close and personal with some of these scenes and I wonder at how long they must search and wait to be able to capture them on film. And the dangers they must face to do all this makes it even more amazing.

    We owe them a huge debt of gratitude.

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