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Abby Normal

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Posts posted by Abby Normal

  1. Here's the scoop. Version 1.0 of either the standard or the advanced does the best job. The current verison (1.2) chooses too small of a font for the fillable fields on the organizer. So buy 1.0 and do not upgrade.

    I found a copy of standard 1.0 on ebay for $29.99 to test, but when I went back they were all gone. There are some copies at around 45-50 now. You can buy it on Amazon as a disc or a download for about 59.

    Here is a direct link to download version 1.0. Warning: 1.5 GB. Then all you need is a license # to activate it.

    To make a form fillable, open it and choose the Forms tab. Then click on Form Typer and very quickly it will convert it. Then just save it. As far as I know, there's no batch way to do this, but that's what interns are for.

    Adding page numbers to the organizers can be done in a batch, so you can do them all at once.

    In Nuance, with no file open, choose the Home tab, then Headers and Footers, Add. Add all the files you want and click OK. You can create and save a header or footer with the page numbering scheme (font, location, margins, etc.) you want. The only tricky part is under Macros you choose Page Number, then click in the Header or Footer location you want (left, center, right) and then click on Insert Macro.

    I have don't want page numbers on the first 2 pages because those are my letter and engagement letter, so I click on Page Range and put page 3 to 999. It doesn't save the page range as part of the scheme so you have to remember to do that each time.

    Then click on OK, choose your save options (you'll likely want to uncheck Open when finished), click OK. This also works very quickly.

    The settings I ended up with for page numbers was Header, Right, Arial 13 point, Top margin 0.50, Right margin 0.30.

  2. This is one of the reasons that I have a jump drive on board whenever I am working on a tax return.  I export the return to the jump drive any time I make any major changes and, of course, when it is finished.  This also allows you to import any return into the program on another computer for whatever reason.

    Closing a return creates a backup in:

    C:\ProgramData\CCH Small Firm Services\ATX 2014 Server\ATX 2014 Backup

    I Ctrl+s almost every time before I jump to another form. I have autosave turned off, in case I screw something up or if I'm just doing "what ifs" in the data file.

    • Like 1
  3. Not at present.   At one time when asset manager was a full part of ATX all that was there (full history, future years, etc.).   Then they "improved" things and asset manager came separately.   Now that they are eliminating asset manager maybe they will bring that part back into the normal ATX program.


    Not exactly. There might be a few new features built in to ATX but you still have to pay more to access all the good stuff in fixed assets. I bought it this year because I got it for $100. I need to decide if the extra features are worth it or not.

  4. You are treated as receiving ordinary income from the canceled debt for the part of the debt that is more than the fair market value. The amount realized does not include the canceled debt that is your income from cancellation of debt. See Cancellation of debt, below.

    The overview is still that the total amount of the debt is income (at the corporate level) and the total undepreciated value of the trucks is expense. The debt is just being split between cap gain income and ordinary income.

  5. There have been cases in the not so recent past wherein the taxpayer prevailed in reporting the value shown on the 1099-Misc, then on line 21 reducing that amount to what he was able to sell the property (in one case, a car) for, so that the FMV reflected the amount that a willing third party would pay for the property. 


    I wonder if it would matter if you sold the item to a wholesaler as opposed to an individual end user? The logic being that wholesale price is lower than market price.

  6. I have zero experience with this, so everything that follows is just thinking out loud.

    The FMV of the trucks is not important here, only the undepreciated value. And I think the loan amounts are the proceeds for the disposition of the trucks. So the S corp would have a gain or loss on disposition of the trucks.

    So if you think about the components of this transaction separately, the loan amounts are increasing the shareholders stock basis by increasing income, and he's getting a full write off of the trucks.

    He may end up with a 1099-C personally for the cancellation of the debt, but if he's declaring personal bankruptcy, that won't be income to him.


  7. Microsoft has been modifying windows 7 & 8 with their 'telemetry' that's part of 10, and also pushing 10 on users of 7 & 8. I keep seeing the 10 update in Windows Update, even though I've hidden it and uninstalled the Get Windows 10 tool (KB3035583). Telemetry is sending data back to Microsoft about how you use your computer. If, like me, you're uncomfortable sending unknown data back to Microsoft, you can do the following.

    Below are the best instructions I've found so far. If it looks like Geek to you, call your IT person, but most of it is quite simple, although windows does its best to hide Task Scheduler and Services.

    Remove the following updates (if installed already)
    KB3068708 Update for customer experience and diagnostic telemetry
    KB3022345 Update for customer experience and diagnostic telemetry
    KB2952664 Compatibility update for upgrading Windows 7
    KB2990214 Update that enables you to upgrade from Windows 7 to a later version of Windows
    KB3035583 Update installs Get Windows 10 app in Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 SP1
    KB971033 Description of the update for Windows Activation Technologies
    KB3021917 Update to Windows 7 SP1 for performance improvements
    KB3044374 Update that enables you to upgrade from Windows 8.1 to a later version of Windows

    Command Prompt:
    sc stop Diagtrack
    sc delete Diagtrack

    *Task Scheduler Library:
    Everything under "Application Experience"
    Everything under "Autochk"
    Everything under "Customer Experience Improvement Program"
    Under "Disk Diagnostic" only the "Microsoft-Windows-DiskDiagnosticDataCollector"
    Under "Maintenance" "WinSAT"
    "Media Center" and click the "status" column, then select all non-disabled entries and disable them. (None of my computers had Media Center)

    "Remote Registry" to "Disabled" instead of "Manual"

    • Like 2
  8. Anything paid to/or on behalf of the landlord should be considered rent. Landlord should pay the taxes and insurance themselves and rebill the tenant. This makes it easier to create the 1099 to give to the landlord, because all the checks are in the landlord's name.

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