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Abby Normal

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Posts posted by Abby Normal

  1. nor should ever be included in the business's sales, expenses or balance sheet. (again, no valid excuse)

    It does belong on the balance sheet as a liability. The question here is what is the effect of passing that liability out to the shareholder. I think, as the shareholder pays it, it increases the stock basis allowing any suspended losses to be claimed.

    But in this case, the stock basis was already increased by virtue of the sales tax being included in revenue. Which actually makes it simpler. No deduction for the shareholder when the sales tax is paid personally.

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  2. jklcpa is correct. Going back to last year's tax return and reducing Sch A taxes by amount of refund is the way to go. You can print the resulting 1040 & Sch A as proof of amount taxable. Just don't save last year's return when you exit.

    jklcpa, in your example the taxable amount should be $18 not $18k. :)

  3. Yes, she has to pay back all the PTC advanced payments.

    You do the 8962 monthly so the period she was covered by employer doesn't come into play for the PTC. It does come into play about being covered all year on the 8965, which probably doesn't need to be filed in this case.

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  4. I forgot to add the another nice feature is converting any pdf to searchable. So if you have a lease document or articles of organization or anything else you like to search or copy/paste, just open it in Nuance and click Make PDF Searchable on the home tab. It actually does a better job than using our Fujitsu scanners to scan a document as searchable.

    Plus there are tons of other features like adding Sign Here flags to documents.

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