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Abby Normal

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Posts posted by Abby Normal

  1. 14 hours ago, jklcpa said:

    If you have a good depreciation program for your accounting clients, it might allow setting up a separate category for those assets that are expensed under these rules. I use Thomson Reuter Fixed Assets CS that will allow me to set up a separate group on the main depreciation schedule, or set up assets for only "Other" method, and then I can customize the report to exclude the group entirely for tax or book purposes, or include it so that the property tax reports would be inclusive.

    And your clients will pay more property taxes.

  2. 1 hour ago, Don in Upstate NY said:

    Trivia note - the details that you list under "Other Expenses" on page 2 do NOT get transmitted to the IRS as part of the E-file.

    Wow, that's insane. No wonder they want to audit it.

    Jeez, I just went back and looked at the original audit letter and they HAD ask for all Sch C expenses but I didn't notice that check mark. We sent then NOTHING for from page expenses except travel and meals and they didn't say a word. They must be so swamped right now that they triage audit responses and if their gut tells them they can't get any money, they just close the audit. Wow.

  3. I had a Sch C audit this year and the IRS wanted travel and meals from page 1 of Sch C, and everything under Other on page 2. Made me think of ways to fit expenses on page 1 of the return. :) The kicker? They didn't ask about mileage, at all.

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  4. I don't want to send a doc. Not everyone can open a doc. Besides a fillable PDF is much friendlier and easier to use.

    One of the features is converting a pdf to a doc or an xls, and I'm sure that will come in handy for other things. Just not for organizers.

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